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New technology for all.

Keshe Products Update & Presentation from Dr. Presser [video]

This video will give you a better sense of who Dr. Presser is, and also the nature of the Keshe technologies even if you’re not new to this.

I was going to give an update on the products ordered through Richard when I came across this video of a live presentation with video support Richard did in Australia in April and remembered I was going to share it. They also had a Q&A session which was all interesting and very exciting.

The acquisition/move to the new Keshe factory in Italy caused some manufacturing delays and the Alkalizer/Energiser pitchers fell behind but should be shipping in the next week or so.

The up side of the delay is that they have GANS of Co2 AND zinc oxide in the pitcher now, so we will have two nano-state materials working for us rather than just one. Richard’s last update to his customers on May 9 provided some insight as to the reasoning behind this.

This is valuable as zinc oxide supports our emotional systems, which is far more critical to our physical health and well being than most of us currently understand.

So… by mid-June at the latest I expect to be enjoying my “smart-water”.

Thank you, Richard, for your time to educate us about these life-changing technologies from the Keshe Foundation. ~ BP

Published on Apr 22, 2017
This video is of a presentation given by Dr. Richard Presser to Astro Networks Victoria on April 10, 2017. Richard introduces the extraordinary plasma technology shared with the world by Mehran Keshe and made available via the Keshe Foundation –

It includes Richard’s summary of the March 2017 Rome conference and shares Mr. Keshe explaining how to bring forth matter from the plasma field, just as happens throughout the Universe. An introduction to the current products from the Keshe Foundation is included.

Please go to to register for further information.

The Keshe Foundation announcement of the treatment of cancer using the plasma technology –
The segment showing the bringing forth of matter from the plasmatic field is taken from
Thank you to Ian Sherb for his additional video footage .
