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Steemit User's Biggest Security Flaw On Comments

I was asked by a friend (Francisco Sand) to write on this issue. We are both new on Steemit but by using the network, we already spot a user failure on the software interface.

If Steemit is serious about the good functioning of the community and aspires to attract serious and sane debates to the conversation, the developers need to fix this security flaw. Besides, after resolving this issue, will take the weight off - of the people that manage the user's posting on the network.

The security flaw is the same flaw found on networks like "Nextdoor", Twitter and many others I spotted on the internet.

The security flaw has to do with the user's comment on the post. At this point, many networks need to learn a lesson from Facebook. The lesson on user's security is that the person that "Submit a Story" must have all the permissions and rights to their post. That means, if a person post something on Steemit and a jerk or a troll comes along and make a stupid comment on the post, the owner of the post have the right and decide if he/she will leave the comment or delete the offending comment. That is the best way to resolve the incidents of "trolls/jerks" and their non sense comments. 

The "flag" feature still can be used for serious threats or things that require a more strong intervention from the community.

Should I repeat this? Ok, one more time;

The person that post or "submit a story" must have total control of his post. He/She must have control of:

1. Editing the post   <-- Already there

2. Deleting comments <-- Needs to be implemented urgent!

3. Sharing the post  <-- Already there

4. Deleting the entire post <-- Already there

I hope this post will be clear enough to start this process. I will also suggest on 

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