Laptop Power Adapter Making Sound

Define power brick make sounds, some very different from others, all sorts of weirdness. The only thing you have to watch out for is temperature in most cases, if they get noticably hot, it's likely being overdrawn on and can become a hazard, invest in a better one. Most marginal laptops use a 19v 3.42amp power adapter, if for example your laptop is indeed rated 19v 3.42 amp, and the adapter is getting quite hot, i'd suggest investing in a proper higher amperage model, this will result in a cooler longer lasting power adapter that will not starve the laptop of power, something in the say 3.75 amp or greater (typically the next step up from 3.42amp is 4.25amp if i recall right). DO NOT buy universal power adapters with the swappable end, SPECIALLY those with the selectable "voltage". Stay away from cheap garbage. Oh and if you ever need to replace a power adapter, the voltage should ALWAYS be exactly the same, with the amperage at a minimum of what the product calls for, OR more, more is better, not always necessary but always better.

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