Discussion - Defining what are the biggest trends in your industry?

Each of us, can work in the same industries or other industries. Some work in the Software Industry, some in News Industry and some Blog Industry or Tech Related Industries and much more.

Some of discussions that can be made regarding this topic:

  • Which industry do you work for, or your job part of which industry is included?
  • What are the trends of your industry?
  • How does the future looks like? Bright or not so bright?
  • Do you have your say in defining some ideas on that industry or it is nothing you can do?
  • And much more...

Speaking about Software Industry or Tech Related Industries, since what i do is part of that industry, there are lot of must-know facts about those industries that i would like to write:

  • Some of the high tech industries that are already high trends and or are becoming high trends are:
Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality, Blockchain
  • Software Industry has shaped the business model in the most innovative way.

Imagine how the world today and the way we think about Business would look without the development of the Software Industry.

  • Increasing its big impact on the world economy
  • There are lot of trends every year and always will have

For us developers trend indicates in which way technology is going and helps us understanding the future of our industry


Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

So, as you can see this topic has a lot of stuff to discuss about. If you are out of ideas what to write for your next post, speaking about the trends of your industry can be an interesting topic.

| My Stemians friends šŸ‘‹, Have your say?
šŸ”¹ What are the trends of your industry?
šŸ”¹ What are you doing to improve in some ways your industry?

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