Chatbots - An innovative tool for Marketing (And why they are so important) 🤖

Lately, i have been working with the a mobile app for the goods delivery, which have the main concept of searching for a product, ordering it and waiting for the delivery. And the client who has requested the app he said he wanted to implement an intelligent chatbot to the app.
Needed to work on that, i started to study the Chatbots, what are they, the impact they have and how to implement them in different platforms

What is a Chatbot?
Chatbot is like an intelligent virtual assistant (AI) that can be integrated for all platforms: websites, facebook and instagram pages, and also message related application. Chatbot are built with a specific command sets in order to interact with complex typology of received messages. Chatbots are clever, they can be fun also they can add value to your marketing strategies and your product and brand.

Chatbots Benefits:

  • Better engagement with your customers, never miss a message with them
  • Lead Generation
  • Increase Revenues
  • Add value to your brand

Photo by Daniel Josef on Unsplash

If you are a person that you like to navigate online, for sure you have seen all the different kinds of chatbots in the websites you have visited.
Most commonly first questions from chatbots when you first enter the platform where the chatbot is implemented:

👋 Hey, Welcome I’m a Chatbot!
Want to check out what I can do?

👋👋 Hi​! I'm a Chatbot. Let me know if you have any questions regarding our store!

Also Chatbots can be developed in more complex ways, they can be trained to ask better questions and give great answers. And they can interact with the customers in the most funny way.

If you are a developer you can develop a Simple Chatbot your self, but also you can purchase ChatBot API.

Either way, consider using ChatBot for the platform you have and add an increased value to your brand.

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