Why Linux over Windows?

Now I want to hear from any of those Die-Hard Linux fans (if there are any who happen to read this)

Why would you ever choose Linux over Windows? The only reason I can fathom is because you don't want to/ can't pay 200$ for an operating system. But then again, that 200$ is a great investment in the world of operating systems.

There are just so many limitations to using Linux, so many things that Linux can't do that Windows does. Choosing it over Windows just seems weird to me. I'm using Ubuntu currently and it's got problems. In theory it's nice but it just doesn't have that rock-solid stability that Windows has always had. To add to that, it is very limited. Most programs are built for windows and OSX, and have no alternative in the Linux world. Admittedly you can run SOME win programs under Wine, but again it just is not the same as the rock solidity of Windows. The software center included with various versions of linux is alright, but only has a few truly useful programs. Ubuntu is not very stable at all. The sidebar lags and stutters, as does the dash home button. Freezes/Crashes regularly. Slows down after time. Windows does not do these things.

So basically again, why would you ever choose any version of Linux over Windows if you had the option to get Windows?? That is the question.

I believe that Ubuntu could be a really awesome OS. If it were invested in more, and not totally reliant on donations or however they work. But in it's current state, it is nowhere near as good as windows in any category besides being free.

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