US Tightens Visa of Chinese Students Learning Technology

Beginning June 11, 2018, Chinese S2 student visas will be limited to one year if they study robotics, aviation and high-tech manufacturing.
They are different from those that normally permit the granting of visas for as long as possible (unlimited). Thus AP News reports on Thursday (31/05/2018).
The US State Department did not provide information on this policy. This news was revealed through instructions sent by the US government to their embassies and consulates.


The document says the US will review and tighten visa procedures to protect US intellectual property rights from theft. China itself is often suspected of doing so.

The maneuver that the Trump Administration made was not aimless, because these fields were an important element in the Made in China 2025 program.

The program aims to gain self-sufficiency in technology and dominate global technology. The ambition is clearly not accepted by the international community, especially the US.

Chinese citizens working as researchers and corporate managers who want a visa must also go through a lengthy approval process from various US authorities.

It is estimated that the process will be completed within nine months.

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