Official: Google Assistant Can Now Identify What Song Playing Near You.


This is great news to all the devices that has google assistant installed. This new update on "google assistant" come with a new feature that allows google assistant to recognize a song just by the user asking it.

How To Implement This New Feature

  • Open google assistant

  • Then ask it like this "What song is playing?"

  • Bring your phone close to the speaker/sound source

  • If properly done, Google assistant will bring out every single detail about the song, Like the title, artist, lyrics, youtube links etc.

Where Can I Do This

  • In a bar

  • In your house

  • In your 🚗

**Just think of anywhere in which theres a song playing in the background **

I would love to read reviews/comments from those who are already using this new feature...Kindly leave a comment below.

Note: This feature has been available for quite sometime now but I decided to make it known to those that are not aware yet.

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