
when you say finally I made it,ask yourself have I really? Look around you and check the status of people you are moving and staying with.
You say you made it, but people are still suffering around you and yet you boast of making it.
People struggling to eat at least once a day so they can see the rising of the sun next day,these kind of people are around you and you don't care about them, all you want is your selfish attitude to be accomplished.
Am not saying all these to condemn you or rebuke but to motivate you about lives you can save,people that will forever be indebted to you, smile you can put on peoples faces each day you rise from sleep.
The things you have that is more than enough might be what person has been longing for,dont misuse the opportunity that you are having enough today to destroy other peoples life's.
The three square meals to have each day is what others get on their kneels and pray fervently for
Starting from today I would like you to take a look at your life and consider people around you,people are ready to lean on you if you allow them, no one knows tomorrow.
Let's hope the future is better, someone you helped today might be the one you will lean on tomorrow.
Please this morning be motivated to do good and great things in the lives of others
It's true it's not going to be easy but clear your mind of I can't and let it start ringing with I can,i can!!, I can!!!.

God bless you all as you do so
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