The right perspective of a marriage

Marriage in our society today is so disheartening and discouraging so much that young folks these days just want someone to have a kid or kids for them "baby mama" or someone to be the father of their kid or kids without being married to them which shouldn't be the case.

What does marriage means?
Marriage is the union between perfect match (that is a man and a woman who are mentally, spiritually, and completely connected and are at the same time incredibly or madly attracted to each other)

The following are the characteristics of a marriage:
• It is beautiful

Young folks are suppose to admire the beauty of marriage whenever they look at those that are married.

• It is enjoyable

It is fun filled, as you engage in lovely things like going to the cinemas, events, and vacation together.

• It is productive

When you have a partner that supports you in your career pursuit, contracts, and so on, the sky would be your limit.

• It is inspirational

They will serve as source of inspiration to one another which will be their driving force to great achievement and fulfillment.

• It is an educational institution

It is learning institution where you learn about each other's differences and how to manage them positively.

•It affects the economic growth of the society

If every marriages in the society are perfect or nearly perfect, the society will be filled with great individuals which in turn will affect the economic growth of the society.

How to make a marriage right

• Understanding

When husband and wife understands each other so well, they will know the best way to react to each other when at their respective worst. This will help avoid any form of violence in their marriage.

• Humility

Been humble is also a key factor in having a blissful marriage.

• Forgiveness

Couples should have a forgiving spirit, irrespective of the gravity of the offense or wrong doing of their spouse.

• Appreciation

Cultivate the habit of appreciating each other's doing no matter how small or big it might be.

• Endurance

They should learn to weather the storm of life together because it is just for the time being just as the Holy Bible says in Psalm 30:5b that weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
Furthermore, Robert H. Schuller says that tough times never last, but tough people do.

In conclusion, find that special someone that your heart, spirit and your all in all connects with perfectly and you would marvel at the impact such a union will have on one and it's immediate environment.

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