
At the end of February (literally, the last day) we will have been married 25 years.

(At 25, as in the pic, I felt more with it than I do now. Uggh)

For those wondering I selected the date so that 3 years out of 4 I couldn't remember our anniversary wrong & for the other, we get to have a two day anniversary 😁

As it's our 25th the decision had been to redo our 20th, and spend two weeks in Madeira.
Going further afield would be nicer (hello NY), but for health reasons it's not practical.
The plans were going fine until we had to move out of our house in May due to a massive oil leak.

Spending May-November of this year in a mix of local temporary accomodation & with family in Scotland, alongside the loss of income from my antique/curio selling hobby, followed by moving into the new property, has destroyed our savings.

With the bad news out the way, come the end of June 2023 we will have been married for half of my life. With things getting back to normal & a couple of different income stream looking viable from January my hope is to book the Madeira trip as a surprise summer holiday.

All I need to do is get my stock of antique, vintage, and interesting items back on sale and sell a load; write & publish a whole load of stories and articles; create a quiet place to record my audio, then publish it; and bring on board the two small but regular income streams I've been lining up.

Madeira or bust. Well, delayed not bust, but annoyingly so.

Lookout for poetry on @blockchainpoets, short stories on @TheInkWell & @ScholarandScribe, and novel chapters in @TheWritingClub (& possibly @ScholarandScribe).

Periodically there'll be Breakfast Reviews and Here's The Thing articles.


From January I hope to have some audio coming on stream.

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