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Yes, you read right.

I resigned.

I couldn’t do it anymore.

During the morning of 25 Jan 2018, I woke up, meditated, wrote my resignation letter, took a deep breath, clicked the send button and never looked back.

Some mornings I tend to wake up with the whole “OMG what the hell did I do?” fear and nauseous knot in my gut. I think it’s due to the way we were brought up. Study hard at school. Get some papers behind your name (diploma, degree etc) and work hard.

You should earn enough money to be happy with the rest of your life while trying to keep up with the Joneses. Meanwhile you are drowning in debt just to wear a shoe or a shirt with some name on it. Paying them to advertise their product.

Yes, I understand that a brand name is generally tied to better quality, but that’s a different argument.

Is this a Midlife crises?

No, I don’t think so.

It’s nothing bad.

I couldn’t do the whole rat race thing anymore.

Baby Boomers (born 1946 – 1964) are known to be very steady people with good traits like loyalty, work ethic, and a stable career path. Work hard for that retirement fund.

Generation X (born 1961 – 1981), children of the baby boomers are more inclined to be very stable people as well, but more self-serving. They concentrate on having a good work-life balance, individual advancement and job satisfaction. I would say more investments that the baby boomers.

Millennials (born 1981 – 2004), aka Generation Y, the children of Generation X. Hang on, what happens after our children, 2001 – 2024 aka Gen Z/iGen/Centennials?? Z is the last letter of the alphabet…?

Anyways, millennials put a lot of emphasis on working in a creative and meaning full job, but seek instant recognition.

So it’s NOT a midlife crises then?

Lol, no.

There are a couple of things to factor in when looking at a man hitting his midlife crises and none pertain to me. A midlife crises consists of either being depressed, dress too young, dyeing your hair or buying a coupe/convertible…

…and I was on the cusp of buying a coupe and signing my life away for the next 5 years…

This was my turning point. I couldn’t get myself to go through it all again to finance another vehicle.

So why did I resign? Job satisfaction.

Remember the part about millennials at the top? I think this plays a massive role!

I’m not happy with what I do every day. Day in and day out. The same thing over and over and over again. I work for a manufacturing company and our client base basically remains the same.

Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat. Rinse, repeat.

Ain’t nobody got time for that

Time… now that’s a big factor in my life. So much that my wife and I recently bought a massive clock four our living room. With age comes deteriorating eye sight and I don’t want to struggle to see the time.

Do I have another job?

No, I don’t.

I hope it stays that way!

I have saved up enough money to last me a while. At least 6 months. I think I am young enough to brush up on my English (my native language is Afrikaans), learn more about the programs I use regularly (Photoshop, Illustrator & After Effects) and start writing on Steemit!

I’m no @sweetsssj, but even she started at the bottom.

I will be writing about personal stuff and whatever tickles my fantasy under @darnscotty. On @motorsport I will be following and reporting on a couple of international races.

During my free time I will brush up on my grammar, use my illustrator knowledge to broaden my Etsy shop and After Effects knowledge to make videos about crypto currencies and blockchain technology companies.

I have to try, you see.

I don’t want to wake up when I am 40 years old and wish that I made the jump and tried it out. However, I do understand that it’s not going to be all roses from here on. I will have to bend a knee and grab the bull by the horns with both hands (pun intended for the cryptosphere!).

I’m amped.

I plan every day, define my goals and work towards them. I would rather use my own time and energy to make myself wealthier than someone else.

I feel the same about renting a house against buying an apartment.

My day job gave me the ability to purchase a second car and my first property. Let’s see what I can achieve on my own.

Here’s to a new phase.

Here’s to success.


Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone