Nuclear/EMP Attack “Operation Gotham Shield”

Nuclear/EMP Attack “Operation Gotham Shield”

In the past it has been found that crisis exercises or simulated attacks uncannily mirrored those of the actual attack, which may take place during or shortly after the exercises.

The Fear Of A Nuclear/EMP Attack “Operation Gotham Shield”

With this in mind you may wonder why state, local, and federal organizations alike are planning a major nuclear detonation drill in the New York-New Jersey area, along with the U.S.-Canadian border between April 18th thru May 5th, 2017.

During this exercise, which is called Operation Gotham Shield, 4 nuclear devices, 2 of which are rendered “safe” during the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Vital Archer Exercise and one successful 10kt detonation in the NYC/NJ area, along with one smaller detonation on the U.S./Canadian border are to take place.

EMP Attack

Is it because they think that North Korea or maybe Russia will launch an EMP attack, a nuclear electromagnetic pulse that results from an explosion, usually from the detonation of a nuclear weapon?

An EMP attack is major threat to America as it has been largely ignored by those who could prevent it. Such an EMP explosion will melt down the electric grid, resulting in chaos and death.

Last week they spotted a Russian or a North Korean submarine off the coast of California with the consequence that the US and Canadian anti-submarine warplanes were rapidly converging off the coast of California, including Multiple low-flying aircraft a Navy EP-3E Aries II, which is used for electronic surveillance, a Navy P-3C Orion, which is used for submarine spotting, and a Boeing P-8 Poseidon used for anti-submarine warfare off California, followed up with the news that Russia claims it can wipe out the US Navy with a single ‘electronic bomb’, the fear of an EMP or nuclear attack is not unfounded.

With ‘Operation Gotham Shield’ which will be held from April 18th thru May 5th, 2017 in mind we may wonder whether North Korea is really planning to launch nuclear missiles from a submarine… or what if Russia is really going to nuke the east and west coasts of the United States?






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