Thank you for your kind motivation! Here's a little token of appreciation

There are no other words I can say except, A BIG THANK YOU for your kind words of motivation. It may just be a few words, but to me, it means a lot! And for that, here's a little token of HBI as a gesture of my appreciation.


I have never imagined getting some much love and kind motivation from the community when making content here on Hive. But, I guess I was wrong. This proves how much awesome is the community and how full of positive energy here on this blockchain.


Link to the content

Here's what happened.

In my post a few days ago, I posted about how I finally reached 12K HP after doing all that hard work. It was intended just being a one-way post without any expectation of feedback. However, I was surprised with all words of motivation given to me and I was deeply touched. It boosted my motivation and uplifted my will!


Every ounce words of motivation can mean a big thing to me! Thanks!

A token of HBI appreciation


I feel that from all those words of motivation, I need to reward them for taking the time putting those nice positive words. To me, it really means a lot and I bet you deserved some token of appreciation. Here's a small token of HBI and again thank you very much!

This is just one of those things which makes Hive blockchain unique from other blockchains.

Tagging you guys with love:

@anggreklestari @jeanlucsr @ph1102 @josediccus @globetrottergcc @yashny

I know it's not much compared to your nice words and I feel really blessed to have people like you around this blockchain.

Keep spreading the awesome Hive vibe!

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