No Monday Blues Hive Power-Up!

Come to think of it, I actually have been naming so many various self-challenges which I told myself to purchase Hive then to Power up. Likewise today, there's this No Monday Blues Hive Power-up self-challenge! Disappointed? Hell, NO! In fact, I feel happy and proud to do this because this is my Hive journey which I really want to do.


Ever since the re-starting of my Hive journey, I always wanted to constantly purchase Hive and Power-up. But since I don't have that big fat fiat laying around, the smartest way is to buy Hive little by little. Plus, a continuous small step will eventually bring you one step towards that big goal.


One of my goal this 2020 is to reach 20K HP as soon as possible. The path was getting closer when I first reached my first 10K HP and then to 11K HP. If I gradually continue to focus and feel determined, I can reach 12K HP by end of this July (fingers crossed). I need another 800 HP to reach, nearly there!


Now that I feel positive-minded, determined and fully focused in this Hive journey, not only reaching 20K HP is possible but the journey towards Orca is within means! All I need to do is continue this winning formula and learn along the way!


I always love to share every small victory such as this because this little thing will grow into something meaningful one day. Now that purchasing Hive and Hive Power-up done, I feel real happiness in this Hive journey of mine.

That said, I will continue towards building myself on Hive, learn and engage too. Bdw, don't forget, No Monday Blues Hivers and keep on powering-up!

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