The Journey


Its the 3rd Syawal and my celebration kinda end up today. My morning started around 7:30am. Waiting for the grab to pick me and my mom to the Sandakan Hospital.

Since we were going to another hospital tomorrow for my mom's review and radiotherapy, we both had to take an RTK swap test for Covid-19. I get used to swap test now since I look after my mom.

By 10am, we've got the result and both negative. Thank God. We were both nervous to get the result because my mom was having a runny nose since last night. My mom said it might be her sinuses.

We reached home around 10.45am. Doing a last minutes packing were not encouraged. Lesson learned. Since we didn't bought any luggage for the cargo, we need to minimize our clothes and put it in one bag so it can be put at the cabin compartment.

Luckily I had a bag pack to carry all the lingerie and toiletries, so the medium luggage will be full only with both me and my mom's clothes.

We reached the Sandakan Airport at 11.30am. Our flight was at 1.25pm. Looks like we were a bit early and the Air Asia Counter were not open yet. My brother decided to bring us for a snack since he was hungry. We went to the nearest Indian Shop and had our Roti's and drinks.

By the time we finished, it was nearly 12.25pm. We rushed to the Airport and as I predicted, it was a long queue. Luckily we didn't have any luggage to put in the cargo or else its gonna take time. All we need to do was just ask the counter to print our ticket since I booked my ticket through Traveloka Application.

Its a sunny and cloudy day in certain parts of the journey, I managed to sleep because I was up so early and didnt had enough rest since the 1st & 2nd Eid. By the time we reached our destination, my cousins was already waiting for us.

We went for a lunch at Kopi Ping, Sutra Avenue. Its the 3rd of Eid and its almost full with customers. I was so sleepy and I can't stand the noise. I got so cranky today maybe because lacked of sleep.

Nearly 3.30pm we reached our 2nd home and I had no choice but to climb the staircase to the apartment. I keep telling myself,once I see any pillow, I would jump at it. 🤭

I slept and woke up so late. Its 12:50am by the time I wrote these. Gosh, I need to rest again because tomorrow we need to go to Likas Hospital.
I regretting the afternoon sleep that I took today. Well, there's no turning back. That's my journey for today.

I will write an update about my next journey ahead with my mom for her radiotherapy treatment. We will be here for about a month. I will try to find any gigs just to do something. We'll see if I can manage it because I need to company my mom everyday except saturday and sunday.

Thats all for now my dear readers. Stay safe and always take care. Be kind and remember to cherish every time you have with your loved ones.
Money can't buy you Time
Money can't buy a Mom
Money can't buy an Attitude


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