Miri city, Sarawak, Malaysia walking tour 😎

Do check out my latest video that I've uploaded on my YouTube channel. This video is a walk through the city from one mall to the next mall. I was there ordering Mc Donald's and decided to record a video of the trip back to the mall where I came from.

I was shooting on my Fimi Palm.

One of my habits nowadays is to make YouTube videos, it has been a year since I started. Curating every bit I can so that in a couple of years when I look back, these videos become part of the moments in the past. I wished I had done it earlier in the past so today, I could look back and see what life was a decade ago. Time passes but memories stay and a video recording of what life was is going to be very valuable.

Usually, memories aren't valuable today but they are in the future. My grandmother passed away in December 2020 and when I look back at some of the pictures of her, it's freezes a moment in life when that particular event took place.

Do join me on my journey and my life.

I am still building my watch time on YouTube. Hopefully, I get monetized this year or the next.

Let's all stay safe and do check out my video and if you subscribed to my channel.


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