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Fintech Malaysia

Browsing through Malaysia's Fintech site, I found out that, Malaysia actually has got many top companies in the Fintech stratosphere.

One company in the top 20 list is

None other than @coingecko

My favourite to go place to get my updated prices for my favourite cryptocurencies.

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A good start.

For the full list, do check it out here.

A global world dominated by Fintech bridges gaps across the world. Wealth can be distributed throughout the world in an unprecedented speed. No longer the need to go to a bank to get cash. That takes time doesn't it. Why not use that time to do something productive and perhaps task that could help boost the overall productivity of the nation.

Transitional phase

For the time being, there is still lots of resistance in the adoption of Fintech and related technological advances. Many still refuse to accept the change. However, the 00 born babies are gonna change that. Tech savvy and also fearless new generations who is able to adapt at a fast speed.

What does this mean?

It is crucial for us to constantly upgrade ourselves and our knowledge with an open mind to be humble enough to learn new things as per day.
