Christmas gift

Just a year ago, December 2019. Life was normal. Everyone had least expected that a few months there and after, we would be facing a global deadly pandemic. The last pandemic was around 1919. Spanish flu.

This time around, technology advancement and modern medicine has slowed down the spread and this year, I guess the best Christmas gift would be the vaccine.

This video that I made is how Christmas was celebrated. We have been struggling for the last couple of years and I guess remember this year in our lifetime. Many won't even know such event took place sometime in the future.

This pandemic has altered how we look at life. I guess I cherish those moments that u usually take for granted. Then those who have left will never return.

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I guess one thing on my bucket list is to definitely be able to travel somewhere and see new things cause we all love to do something novel. That's how human nature works. How are you coping with the pandemic? I have also recently seen that many places has already begun to normalize and the only silver lining is the vaccine. Once that's here, everyone in the world gets two doses of it, cases drop.


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