Beautiful skies


This is a picture of the sunset. It's amazing how the sun is able to everyday glow and it has done this for billions of years. One day, it will become a dead star but by that time, it's not going to be something that we should be concerned about.

There are some plastic bottles that I see on the sand below due to the people who live nearby treating this as their open seas dumping ground. It is pretty calming for anyone to be able to experience the Sunset seeing the sun going down. In actual fact, the Sun has never moved.

Airlines are picking up steam here in Malaysia. I won't be traveling anytime soon. Just staying safe and staying put till a vaccine is created. It's probably going to take another year. If the Vaccine that has been tested is proven safe for humans, the next thing would be the mass production of it. What it by that time, it's actually over without even a vaccine? What would actually happen to all the research that has been sinked into this project?

It's Sunday

The whole week from my view has been calm for Bitcoin. Ethereum.

It's either a sad feeling or a happy feeling or feeling neutral from my view. Well, I guess we would expect a dip before any rally. I am more worried of not being able to buy when its cheap enough rather than worried of it dipping. We can't buy Ethers at 7 USD now. Or Bitcoin at USD 200. When it starts to rally sometime later and months or years later, we would be wondering why we missed that rocket. It could be the last ride up or the last ride of cheap cryptocurrencies, On the bright side, we are still in the early adopting years and would be another decade or more before any maturation in this industry.


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