Everything (Almost Everything) I like here in Steemit! / 我所爱的Steemit挑战或活动

Today is the sixth day of our Chinese New Year! School has started for my girls and I have also started working today. I haven't been active for the past week. So I haven't been posting as per what I normally do. I have been thinking what to post for today. But I couldn't decide because I have so many things that I wanna write about. So I thought why not I do a compilation of everything (well almost everything) I like to do here in Steemit. And here I am with my compilation post!


5 Minutes Freewrite Challenge

First, let's do a 5 minutes Freewrite challenge which I haven't been doing for a week or two now. The prompt I have is SNAKE. So here's my Freewrite and as usual, I am doing it with The Most Dangerous Writing App

Snake. Cold. Long. Eerie. Scary reptilia. Ya. These are the words, well more precisely are adjectives, that pop into my head when I see the word SNAKE. I have had this super scarie experience with SNAKE. Till now I still remember it.
It was a Saturday afternoon back when I was still a Secondary school student. Yup very very very long time ago. OK. Saturday normally I didn't have school. So I was "playing" computer or I was chatting with someone via MIRC or ICQ. Now you roughly know how old am I... LOL
I was all alone at home. My mom had gone out to pick up my brother from school. I was in the study room. There's a cabinet on my right-hand side.
When my brother came home, he came into the study room. He stood next to me, I couldn't remember why I stood up, but then we were two standing side by side each other.
And then suddenly I felt something long at my foot. I thought it was my brother's belt. So I asked him why he threw his belt on the floor. He was surprised and said his belt was still on him.
Both of us looked down to see an almost 2 feet long blackish snake on the floor. We were shocked and scared to death. My brother was tall and his feet were longer. And in no time he was already outside the study room. I could only think of jumping up to the big table in the room. And both of us screamed for help.
At the end, it was our mom, yes mommy is always the BEST! Our mom came to our rescue. She got a big long bamboo and struck the head of the snake.
We were all safe! The snake might have sneaked into our study room and hid behind the cabinet. I was so lucky that it didn't come out when I was all alone at home. Super lucky.

Captured this at Langkawi with my Redmi 4x during our visit last December.

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If you know nothing about this cool 5-Minute Freewrite Daily Challenge, you should check out @mariannewest's introduction post to this cool challenge by @mariannewest and @improv.

And as usual, I love to take this freewrite challenge together with the most dangerous writing app . Just set the timer for 5 minutes, and then just write. ALERT! Don't stop and think for more than 3 seconds! WHY? Coz if you stop typing for 3 seconds, all your words will vanish! YES, everything you have typed will be gone.

If you think you can't write, please STOP thinking. Just GO FOR IT! Maybe you can take a look at my first freewrite post. It's a disaster, everytime I read it, I ended up laughing. Freewrite is about having FUN too! So writer or not, (I know I am not really a professional writer), we all can have FUN coming up with creative little ideas and thoughts with this Freewrite daily prompt! What are you waiting for? Go WRITE your first freewrite NOW! Have FUN!

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ColorChallenge - WednesdayYellow

OK, up next would be my ColorChallenge. Really long time didn't post anything for this Color Challenge. Today is Wednesday. And Yellow is the color for Wednesday. Let's see what I have in my Google Photos.
Found some yellow flowers in my Google Photos. All captured with my beloved Redmi 4x.

好了,接下来我们来点颜色色彩吧!颜色挑战,黄色星期三。找了找我Google Photo的相簿,发现了蛮多黄色的花朵。希望黄黄的花儿能把你的心情照亮起来。开开心心的过个旺旺的“汪汪”年!

Thanks to @kalemandra for sharing the beautiful banners. Banners are created by @kalemandra. If you would like to find all the other color banners, you can check out this post.

以下漂亮的banner是 @kalemandra 制作的,你可以到这里下载其他颜色的banner。非常感谢 @kalemandra 的用心!


Finally let's do @howtostartablog's dailyfoodphotography. I love yummilicious food. Have been "shooting" my food and not sharing them for some time... LOL... So here's a virtual feast for all of us.

最后让我们大饱眼福吧!来个“虚拟大食会” @howtostartablog 的 dailyfoodphotography。

Wantan noodle / 云吞面

Salted fish with pork belly / 咸鱼花腩煲

Asparagus and prawn / 芦笋炒虾

Ginger Garlic Steamed Fish / 姜蓉蒸鱼

Sweet and sour fish / 甜酸鱼

Lou sang / 捞生

Poon Choi / 盆菜

Hope you all enjoy what I have to give for today! Happy Steeming!


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Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba


If you like the idea of CREATE and EARN (just like here in Steemit), then do you know that everyday while we connect with our family and friends through chatting, texting, voice and video calling, we can EARN from that too? Click on the image to start EARNING from connecting with your family and friends!

Colorful hearts border is created using paint.net and gifmaker.me.


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