When to Upvote a post ?

Upvoting strategies to increase your rewards !

So i do get question a lot on some of the strategies which I use when it comes to upvoting a post. Does the time of upvoting makes a difference ? At what percentage ... etc ... etc ... many questions.

I'm no expert but here are just some of the basics to increase your curation rewards and it seems to work pretty well for not only me, but by a lot of other people.

Minnows guide in upvoting a post for better curation rewards.

  1. Any upvotes before 15 mins of the post coming out gives about 99% back to the author ! It was once a myth .. and let me tell you its real ! Don't expect any curation rewards before the 15 min mark of the authors post

  2. Upvotes between the 15mins - 30mins - great news , the author gets about 50% of the curation rewards and you get 50% of the rewards. Sometimes people vote during this time period if they know for certain that the author would be receiving large upvotes.

  3. If you can wait for it .. upvote only after 30 mins you then get 100% of the curation rewards which is allocated for you.

  4. Use tools to check how much of the curation reward you would be getting. In this case you can use http://steemstats.com . It provides a rough indication on what your rewards gonna look like from your upvote.

  5. Upvote content which you think may be popular ! Let me explain in detail :-

  • If a whale votes before a minnow - minnow does not benefits and gets the normal curation rewards
  • If a minnow votes before a whale - minnow becomes happy cuz he gets a nice big meal from curation rewards
Vote Value0.100.100.50401.00
Curation from Vote0.030.030.13100.25
Curation Allocation Vote
Curation Allocation Vote
Curation Allocation Vote 30.020.02
Curation Allocation Vote 40.02
Total Curation Per Voter0.080.060.21100.08
Author Payout401.70
Author Total Payout501.78


However if MrWhale had voted first, all the Minnows will not earn additional curation rewards apart from the less then 1 cents which they get from their own votes.

For a whale, its not much ... however for a minnow it does sums up to a lot accumulated over time / days .

How can I keep track of authors and auto vote them ?

You can use a few tools to keep track of your favourite authors. These are the onces I use :-

Alternatively, you could setup your own server and implement your trailing bot. It does not take a lot of technical knowledge , if you know the difference between a server and a pc ..... i guess you can handle it.

Here is the link on implementing your voting script by @inertia https://steemit.com/radiator/@inertia/drdoogie-rb-vote-trail-script


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