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Let's play cooking

Have you ever play cooking during childhood?

Childhood is definitely missed and remembered by us now. During my childhood, I used to play cooking with my sibling. But that time, our parents didn't effort to buy yhe cooking sets for us, we had to use the can, containers and real spoon to play cooking.

Usually during evening we wil gather at the house backyard to play with dirt and water. Our mother will scold us if we go home with dirty.

Today's toys


Today toys

Today toys is already been colored and shaped like the real foods. They can directly play cooking without has to shape or create the "foods". Like in my past, we use the real soil as our one of the ingredients. Mixed the soil with a water and shape it as your like.

Everything was been prepared

Unlike past, children today lucky compare my childhood times. Everything was been prepared, there were a lot of choices and easy to find already. With the price affordable, the parents will decide whether to buy or not.


Play Cooking

My daughter play cooking last night after she able to gather her cooking stuff from the crowded cabinets. After play for a some times, she ask me to take her picture. Now, she love to been on a photo. If my phone in her hand, she will open the picture folder and see herself with a smile.

The smile


Don't you wish you could take a single childhood memory and blow it up into a bubble and live inside it forever?
Sarah Addison Allen, Lost Lake (Lost Lake, #1)

By @audreyclaire