An Update On Denver's 2nd Tiny House Village For People Who Are Currently Homeless

You may recall that I posted here that a second tiny house village for homeless folks is in the works in Denver, and this one will be the women's village. Things are moving along, and they just got a matching donation for $1000 (that means that if they can raise $1000 from other people, that person will give them $1000 to match it).

However, in order to get those funds, the person set a goal of fifty new donors by this Sunday! Any amount of a donation will count, even a dollar.

It costs $22,000 to build each tiny home in the village (plus more for the shared facilities), so they could really use the help! The plan is for eight homes in this village.

If you would like to donate using a credit card, here is the link:

There is a tick box if you prefer to remain anonymous, but you still need to enter your info for the card, so I think that's just if you don't want your name to be on a public list of donors.

Thank you to anyone who can help these people out! You rock!

image from Beloved Community Village's WordPress (the first, existing village)

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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