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Some Pregnancy and birthing affirmations

the more relaxed, the juicier the vagina.
The juicier, the stretchier. The smoother the passage.
I breath fully and consciously while contracting.
And focus where needed, pelvis, clit, vagina, etc.

I am excited and i lubricate myself w love, relaxation and confidence to prepare the way for my baby.

I am so happy i get to carry life and allow it space to grow.

I am in love w my process.

If i ever feel lost i connect to my baby and follow their lead, they know goes and when to be born.

I move w the flow and every action i take moves me more in love and allowing.

My body feels so so good.
I love my body.
I love my body.
It makes me so so happy.
I love how well i know what i looked.
I love that i love my journey.
I love allowing my body and baby to work while i breath, feel, allow and enjoy.

Having a baby can feel loke an amazing opening orgasm.

Everything is for my good.
I am so joyful and orgasmic.

I am ready.
I am ready.
I believe.

(I was 34 weeks w Johannes or more)