Cross Canada Trekking - Part 1 [A Flat tire to kick off the trip 😯]

Recently we embarked on a voyage halfway across the country, From Ontario to the West Coast. It was many many many hours of sitting in a vehicle. Many people asked why we didn't get on a plane and fly, especially when gas prices were so high. Well the money we would have saved on the flight would have been quickly eaten up spent on hotels and motels the whole time. We still aren't technically back, having been gone for over a month at this point. We were supposed to stay for longer, but somehow I think homesickness set in and other 'excuses' set in and our leisurely pace back turned into a speedrun back across the country. I would have liked to have taken a different pace the whole time, it felt frantic getting out there and now felt a bit frantic getting back. And the pace finally caught up with us, we've been parked in the same spot for nearly 24 hours just needing to catch up on sleep. Sitting there like a vegetable doesn't exactly give you tons of energy. But at the very least, it offers a bit of a chance to look back and reminisce over the voyage. Here are some photos I took during the first couple days. More to come.

I consider this the first image of the trip, before we even left. Discarded. My mom had some flowers that I guess she didn't feel like throwing in the composter? I never asked her why but these ended up on the pavement, I thought there was something interesting about the visual composition here.

During the first 100km or so, I experienced a pretty severe flat tire. Some severe vibration come through the car and barely thought this isn't right before the tire competely gave way and barely had time to pull over, into the left shoulder. Where there was hardly any room to change a tire. It wasn't a safe place to change the tire so we had to call for a tow truck. We spent about two hours there waiting for one to arrive.

Here is one of the bikes that we brought, which I lightpainted the first night before heading out.

Kaya is wondering whats up.

I forget what small town this was, but here we are setting out on the Trans Canada Highway.

Kira peers out of the back of the truck.

Piss jugs and bottles. I have never seen so many piss jugs scattered around as on the trans canada highway. Not something you are likely to find in tour guides.

My mom stands in the beauty that is Northern Ontario. 😉

Getting back in the truck.

Some damn fool invents the wheel.

It's not a truck stop.

At the not a truck stop.

White Sand Lake Park - It was pretty Deserted in a Desolate place.

White Sand Lake

Motion Blur

Sunset over White Sand Lake

Kaya walks before sleeptime

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