How to Make it to Steemit's Hot Section!πŸ”₯

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Everyone wants to make it to the Hot Section. That's where your post blows up and you'll really get noticed!

If you make it there you're right around the corner from getting stupid rich, "Blog Rich" i call it, u can use it too..

Once you're blog rich you can go into work the next day and tell your boss to go fuck himself. Don't forget to drop by human resources and tell Debbie she's a huge dildo suckin bitch! Forget your last check, youre not gonna need it anyways!

To get to the coveted hot section all you need is these 3 things.. 1) a great story 2) a little luck and 3) emoticons. Motherfuckers love some emotions! β›„πŸ’©πŸ›€πŸ‘”πŸ’πŸπŸ’₯πŸ‡πŸ‚πŸΊπŸ–πŸ“

I've also noticed if you make a stupid face in the opening pic you have a 72.8% chance of getting hot.. but.. if you do that AND talk about cryptos your in! That's it!!!


Maybe that's not your expertise though and you can't fake it? Be sure to use this other tried and tested method, dogs. Get 4-5 small dogs and record yourself walking through your neighborhood talking about how the world sucks and everyone's stupid. Papaya!!! Instant hot section action there folks! Insert emoticon here..πŸͺ

Now there is one more method for getting super hot and lighting Steemit on fire, I wasn't gonna share it because it's really hard and it's not possible for everyone..being an Asian lady. Asian ladies with posts half full of Chinese characters will get you the Steemfame you so desire.. but make sure your on a beach for half of your posts! That's the ticket 🐼

There it is folks, take a little bit of what your learned here, use it, and I'll meet you on the coveted Hot Section.. just as soon as I figure out where to get 4 dogs or become an Asian lady?

You're welcome,



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