A bit more about me...

Yesterday I wrote a little piece introducing myself to the steem world. Now I'll go into a bit more about myself.

I go to childcare two days a week. I used to hate it so much at first - I would cry every time my mommy or daddy dropped me off. But now that I am a bit older I'm learning lots and lots of things there, and I'm making a few friends too.

I don't have any siblings (though my mummy keeps asking me lately whether i'd prefer a little brother or sister - what is with that?), I have 3 cousins on my mum's side and 9 on my dad's side, including a new cousin that I haven't even met yet!

I don't really like eating much - my mommy always gives me a hard time about that. I do like eating chips though.


I enjoy playing, watching my favourite TV shows and in particular I like to watch YouTube kids on my iPad. Yes - I have my own iPad. What 2 year old kid doesn't, amirite?

I also like to be quite active though - i love to go outside, and I like playing soccer, dribbling and kicking the ball, playing on my slide in our backyard.

Every Saturday I go for swimming lessons, I really enjoy that but my parents always make me leave too soon. I just want to stay there all day long.

I also like feeding the fish in the fish tank with my dad and then watching them eat.

I've always slept in my own bed, from when I was first born, but after going on a holiday recently and realising the benefits of sleeping in the bed with my mom, I don't want to sleep in my own bed anymore. I fight with my mum and dad most nights because they try to make me sleep in my own bed. They're so mean sometimes.

One of my favorite things to do though, is to go out with my mum and dad. Especially when we go to a cafe and just hang out for a few hours, or when they take me to the shops and let me play in the kids area.

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