More of the Super Wealthy Defect From the USSA

Denise Rich poses for a picture with a zombie and two vampires...

Another one heads for the exit.

Denise Rich, the wealthy socialite and former wife of pardoned billionaire trader Marc Rich, has defected from the US and given up her US citizenship.  Rich, 68, a Grammy-nominated songwriter, renounced her American citizenship in November, according to her lawyer.  Her maiden name, Denise Eisenberg, appeared in the Federal Register on April 30 in a quarterly list of Americans who renounced their US passport.

She is better known for her former husband’s indiscretions. Marc Rich got caught doing something the US Government didn't like; trading in oil from Iran a few decades ago - yes, this Iran nonsense has been going on that long.  For not adhering to the rules of his overseers he was on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Ten Most Wanted Fugitives List for many years.

It was only when Denise Rich gave a number of bribes to murderer and thief, Bill Clinton, that her husband was granted a pardon.  Smartly, after being deemed a rogue criminal, Marc Rich defected from the US in 1991, although he did not do it correctly under the rules of the US and falsely believed that he had relinquished his United States’ citizenship when he became a citizen of Spain.  But, an appeals court ruled in 1991 that for purposes of US law Rich remains a citizen and therefore is still subject to US income tax theft. In order to officially renounce US citizenship and legally avoid future theft from the IRS, a citizen must appear in person before a US consular or "diplomatic officer" outside the US and "sign an oath of renunciation" (note: last month we told TDV Subscribers which US consulate has the fastest renunciation process… less than 2 months).  Smartly, today he also holds Belgian, Israeli and Spanish passports so as to not find himself in the same predicament he did in the early 1990s when he only held one slave card (passport).


Some particularly brainwashed slaves think that anyone leaving their tax farms is some sort of turncoat.  And, when expatriates leave with a large amount of money, many slaves pull out their knives and reveal their bloody fangs and call for that person to be murdered or robbed of his wealth because it is our wealth, as they did with Eduardo Saverin of Facebook who actually whipped Charles Schumer into a frenzy and set off a chain of events that would result in him launching the Expatriation Prevention by Abolishing Tax-Related Incentives for Offshore Tenancy” Act (EXPATRIOT).

But, unlike Americans leaving because they disapprove of the political situation in the US, Denise Rich has been a longtime political contributor and activist for the Democratic party. If anyone is being hypocritical here, it is her.

A typical limousine liberal, she supports heavy taxes on the population, except for her.  


The US is closing the doors on this sinking ship and you can really see how little time there is left when the really big rats start abandoning ship.  And, Denise Rich, a big time Democrat supporter, is one of the biggest rats.

If she has decided it’s too dangerous to her wealth and self to keep that little piece of paper called a US passport, with all of her connections, then what does that say for us little guys who can’t afford to buy our husband out of prison?


If you live in the US or any Western country and aren’t already making alternative arrangements then there isn’t much more we can say or do to open your eyes to the reality that we perceive.

In this month’s issue of TDV, the Director of TDV Passports, Ken Johnson, outlines a number of residency and citizenship opportunities in a South American country for our subscribers.  Not only have we negotiated, directly with the most high level political officials an expedited citizenship for our subscribers, but we have also come up with the first ever financed citizenship program where TDV itself will finance your immediate residency and help get you on track to a foreign citizenship in a country with no income tax and who doesn’t consider its citizens as milk and beef cows in less than four years.

For the coming few weeks we will also be announcing other similar programs in the Caribbean and Asia.

The Western governments are doing everything they can to keep you hemmed in to their tax farm.  TDV is doing everything it can to help get you out.

As W.G. Hill said, "Get your money out of the country, before your country gets the money out of you.”

Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante today to get access to information freeing yourself and your family.  Or go to or call 646-568-5518 for more information.

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