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Finally. The primary perpetrator comes out onto a platform where he can't delete comments that he doesn't like. Welcome to the blockchain, where everything is stored permanently.

I've already spoken very openly here on Steemit about my name and how I adopted a new one when I left my childhood home as a teenager to go my own way... so that isn't news to anyone here and has nothing to do with your crimes to which we've been referring. I've also written quite a bit about my three months at Exosphere before heading your way so again, have fun shooting blanks. Your tired old method of trying to confuse and exhaust people with endless walls of nonsensical text won't work here either since the people it would baffle don't care and the people that do care are sharp enough to cut through the bullshit.

"The founding partner" eh? If you look up the word "partner," you'll notice that a partner is, by definition, one member of a partnership, which involves multiple people. The word "the" refers to a single specific item. In other words, one cannot possibly be "the founding partner." You could be "a founding partner," which requires you to acknowledge the other partners, or you could be "the founder," which would indicate the absence of any others. We already know which it is. You were a founding partner along with John Cobin and Jeff Berwick before proceeding to push them out of the project. The fact that you can't even use an honest title that makes any sense would indicate that either you don't understand your role or you don't want others to understand it. The fact, as corroborated by everyone else involved, is that you were one of three founding partners and you served as the on-site project manager. As such, your rightful role should have been that of a servant to the investors that injected their capital, bought land, and made the whole damn project possible. Without them to risk their money on you, you would've just continued on as a bumbling nobody with a rotting dog in tow. When these investors became dissatisfied with your performance and wanted you to leave, you should have obeyed them and removed yourself from the premises to make way for a replacement, as they so desired and demanded. Of course, as we all know, you didn't do that. Instead, you acted as if you were the sole ruler and the investors were all just suckers giving you their money for free.

You also frequently refer to "GGC" as if its a collective, when it's really just you, and use the pronoun we, instead of I in reference to yourself as well. This is very revealing. It demonstrates that you see yourself and GGC as one and the same. For you, GGC is just a bigger-sounding name that lets you present yourself as a collective rather than an individual. This is also why you say "we" when the object of reference is just you, an individual. It's just another simple habit you've developed in order to deceitfully project authority and legitimacy where there is none. It's also a handy trick when it comes to money and possession of objects. Depending on the situation, you referred to the Jeep both as GGCs as well as your own. You also spent GGCs money as if it was your own and when a purchase looked strange, like all the imported Salmon for your dog for instance, you pretended you were just spending your own salary or something like that. I was just as bamboozled as anyone else for a while because at first, I had no good reason not to trust you at least that much.

I still have the conversation saved where I asked about volunteering at GGC and you agreed. No begging involved. If you had said you didn't have any use for me, I would have just went back to Canada after Exosphere.

As for the subdivisions, yes, I'm aware that some of the larger ones were approved in 2014. It's the multitude of smaller ones that that were impossible and made what could have been a viable project into a scam. A friend of mine even bought one with his mother and got screwed. Of course, I ended up feeling pretty shitty for having been the one that suggested GGC to them in the first place but at least I've been able to make it up to them. You have a long way to go before you can say the same.

I don't know about the domestic abuse story that you were referring to but I hope that you're not making it up. If she was being beaten by her husband and you protected her from that, then you deserve credit for that but it doesn't justify your stealing their money.

The more I learned about how shitty Berwick was, the more I wanted you to be different, Ken. I wanted there to be a good guy in the equation to throw my weight behind. When the first disgruntled former employees started contacting me, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt and write them off as nutjobs. It got harder and harder to do that as more and more people came out of the woodwork and in a matter of weeks, it became impossible. All you had to do was walk away, leave the victims their land to bicker and squabble over, and move on to the next idea. That's what real entrepreneurs do. They don't need to scam anyone because they know they can produce value and earn an honest living no matter where they are. The path you and Berwick walk is that of men who don't believe they have any real value to offer so you need to trick people into giving up theirs instead. Berwick sings himself to sleep with songs about outlaws and anarchy while you prefer songs about legal loopholes, technicalities, and conspiracies against you by the very people that trusted you with their money in the first place. Granted, you're a bit more clever and devious than him but you're both walking the same path. You could make things right and redeem yourselves if you really wanted to - but as the years slip away and you both entrench yourselves deeper in your respective narratives, hope for a positive outcome seems all the more unreasonable. Either way, the Galt name is being redeemed with or without you. I've developed a community of enthusiastic and satisfied members here with Fort Galt while you've accumulated nothing but angry victims and bitter enemies. I fully expect you to continue making all sorts of semi-comprehensible noise as your fantasy land erodes and justice slowly catches up with you but rest assured that those of us that actually produce value and serve our investors are far too preoccupied to care.
