RE: RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?
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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?


I appreciate your efforts to try to expose the scam problem among and aimed at libertarians, which is much more widespread than illegitimate passports and the Galt's Gulch Chile International Affinity Fraud. However, posting links to the mendacious rantings of the architect of the GGC fraud, future convicted felon Ken Johnson, is hardly helpful. Ken Johnson is a serial scam artist whose criminality we have exposed on two websites: and Terence Gillespie's

What you have done is little more than spread con man Johnson's lies farther than his backwater webpage. If you are the research hound you claim to be, I hope you'll read Terence's and our websites. I'll add our most recent press release to this post. I'm sure our information will clear up any confusion about who the guilty party is in the GGC Affinity Fraud.

I am always available to answer questions. I hope to hear from you soon.

Regards, Cathy Cuthbert
GGC Recovery Team


Galt’s Gulch Chile Was an Affinity Fraud Aimed at Western Libertarians

San Luis Obipso CA, Oct 24 2016. -- In an effort to dispel the mis-characterization that Galt’s
Gulch Chile (GGC) has suffered a simple misunderstanding between former developer Ken
Johnson, his partner Mario Del Real, and property seller Guillermo Ramirez, the GGC Recovery Team is providing a summary of charges against all three.

“Some say GGC is nothing more than a ‘he said, she said’ squabble between libertarians.
Nothing could be further from the truth,” said GGC Recovery Team member, Tom Baker.
Baker continued, “We conducted a six month investigation that included site visits, digital
and physical evidence recovery, interviews of Chilean professional experts and numerous
witnesses. We concluded that, Johnson, Del Real and Ramirez used GGC to facilitate a multimillion dollar international affinity fraud.”

Baker is an investigator and forensics examiner with 25 years of military and private training
and experience. Prior to the GGC investigation he led a triple murder investigation in August 2012. His investigation resulted in a conviction in the case.

The GGC Recovery Team’s work culminated in a 130 page report which was provided to the
FBI White Collar Crime Unit (FBI case # 196-LA-0-RVRA2), IRS Criminal Investigation Division
and Chilean prosecutors.

“The FBI rarely assigns a case number for frivolous matters.” Baker explained.

Multiple Chilean prosecutors and judges in two jurisdictions are working through four criminal cases involving Johnson, Del Real and Ramirez. The cases are:

  1. Palomba et al v. Johnson, M. Del Real, P. Del Real and M. Del Real for a $10 million fraud.
    docket # RUC 1510039752-5

  2. Kirley v. Johnson for felony violation of the Urbansim and Construction Act. docket #
    RUC 1510039858-0

  3. McLeod v. Johnson and P. Del Real for misappropriation of funds. docket # RUC 1510017292-2

  4. Kirley v. M. Del Real and Ramirez for contempt of court, violation of the injunctions protecting the GGC assets. docket # RUC 1510039686-3

“As they say, the wheels of justice grind slowly,” said Francis Lackington, attorney for the
GGC investors. “This may take a while but we are confident in our cases. Criminal attorney,
Carlos Cáceres, and I are committed to recovering as much value for our clients as possible.
We believe in the rule of law in Chile.”

All four criminal cases listed above are in progress in the Chilean legal system.

For more information, go to the GGC Recovery Team website at, or email us at

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