RE: RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?
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RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

RE: Who Is Jeff Berwick? Scam Artist or Businessman?

Stellabelle, Johnson hasn't shared information, he's spreading lies. The whole story has emerged. I have already posted the synopsis of what happened on steemit. Here it is again.

To All,
If you want to know what really happened with GGC, you don't have to wait. Go to the investors' webpage at where the vast majority of documentation available is already publicly archived and eye witness accounts are posted.

In addition to the our investigation, Terence Gillespie wrote a book about GGC that can be found on his webpage at Here is the link to his report on Berwick:

In other words, all the heavy lifting has already been done.

What's missing at this point are the complete bookkeeping, bank statements and bitcoin records for con man Johnson's operations, and several legal documents. I will make a hefty wager that there will be none of that emailed to Donnelly.

And I'll make another wager: the vast majority of what con man Johnson dumps in Donnelly's email box will be totally irrelevant to Johnson's GGC crimes. Why on earth would Johnson incriminate himself to a total stranger on the internet? The idea is laughable on its face.

Con man Johnson will send misinformation and out-of-context emails to embarrass and defame various investors. He'll blame The GGC Recovery Team for the collapse of his affinity scam. He'll send misinformation implying that we are tax evaders and convicted felons. He'll send worthless documents about Freedom Orchard. He'll doctor emails from the GGC Recovery Team and claim that we were trying to defraud the other investors. He'll send retarded and convoluted documents that he and his Chilean partner in crime, Mario Del Real, drew up to DEFRAUD EACH OTHER, and claim that it means something.

We've been through this all before. Here are the facts.

  1. Johnson defrauded his first three partners out of GGC.

  2. He took ownership of all the GGC shares, cutting out Berwick and the four original investors.

  3. He bought two land parcels at ridiculous prices and did no due diligence.

  4. Berwick provided con man Johnson with the vast majority of GGC leads. Con man Johnson then used libertarian celebrities, deceptive marketing, effectively unenforceable contracts and withheld material information to defraud investors.

  5. His Chilean con man buddy, Del Real, then conned him out of the shares and control of GGC.

  6. Through it all, he squandered our money on half-assed projects, jetting to Paraguay, suing Cobin, buying mineral rights on adjacent land, buying urls such as Galt's Gulch Brazil, hosting a bitcoin "conference," eating and drinking out every night, buying salmon for his mangy dog, GAMBLING WITH INVESTOR MONEY AT THE CASINO IN VIñA DEL MAR... Need I say more??? And then he claims because he slept on a SHEETLESS mattress on the floor THAT REEKED OF URINE--believe me, I am NOT making this stuff up--slept on a mattress on the floor that he wasn't embezzling from the project. Gotta always have plausible deniability, ya know.

When you read the eye witness accounts on our webpage instead of blowing us off, you will have absolutely no doubt who the guilty party is.

While you're reading, ask yourself these three questions.

  1. Why does Mario Del Real, who is on paper the majority shareholder of GGC, the chairman of the board of GGC and the father of the general manager of GGC allow con man Ken Johnson to squat on the property? Why doesn't he exercise his property rights and evict him?

  2. Why did con man Johnson use eight, count 'em EIGHT, lawyers in a little over two years, from October 2012 through December 2014?

  3. Why did con man Johnson run through four, count 'em FOUR, architecture firms in about a year and a half?

If your bs decoder can't figure it out, email me for the answers.

And if you were to talk to the investors and former employees, as I have, and hear their stories of abuse, of the head games and constant manipulations, not to mention assault, that these unfortunate people had to endure from con man Johnson, you will understand the following that a former GGC employee and now my friend said to me this week: "When I thought back on everything that happened in Curacaví, I realized that Ken Johnson is the most evil person I've ever met."

Cathy Cuthbert
GGC Recovery Team

PS. Stellabelle, since you pride yourself on being a great researcher, and all the information about the GGC international affinity fraud is easily found using a search engine, I would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from putting forth an uninformed opinion such as "no clear story has yet emerged" and stop thanking the con man for lying all over the internet, at least until you do a bit of homework. Thank you.

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