LSCOTTPHOTOS Tattoo Story Contest Entry - "The Crows" (Original Photos)

My beautiful crows...

I've always been afraid of ravens and crows. In many cultures, they are the symbol of death and despair. They eat the dead and are considered "unclean." Honestly, they just freaked me out. I thought that they would come down and peck out my eyes if given the chance - just like in all the movies. 

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But as I fell in love with photography, I found myself drawn to more and more pictures like the one above. Some more fashion forward, others a little darker and more ominous... the type of photos that send goosebumps across your skin and raise the hairs on the back of your neck.

Disclaimer: I HATE horror. I don't watch scary movies ever or go to haunted houses. EVER. But for some reason, the creepy crawly feeling that crows gave me... was irresistible. 

It was around the time that I went in to get my first tattoo when I was discovering my odd obsession with these dark birds. So when I went in, fully intending to get flowers or the guild insignia from my favorite anime Fairy Tail, I looked at my artist and blurted...

"Crows. Lots of them."

I was originally thinking along these lines. A flock of black birds. Feminine yet cool.

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But then he drew this...

and traced it on my skin...

and I was in love. 

While he prepared his tools, he asked if crows had a special meaning to me. Before I could really think about it, I said yes. 

"Ive always been afraid of them... uncomfortable around them... but I can't stay away from them. I'm drawn to them and the goosebumps they give me. These crows are now a visual representation of my personality - the fact that I'm drawn to the things that make me uncomfortable."

As soon as I said it, I knew it was true. I had always been drawn to dark, surreal art that made people cringe and moody photos that made people think. It's like the saying goes...

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And it does to this day. 

It may not be as meaningful as my heart tattoo that I posted previously. But it is just as important to me in a different way.

Thank you for reading! Upvote if you liked (photos simply don't do them justice)!

<3 lscottphotos

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