Curious facts about tattoos

Today there are more and more men and women who have at least one tattoo on their body. Tattoos are definitely something interesting, but it's nice to know enough about them before they decide to do it. But in this article we will not talk about their safety in tattooing, but about interesting facts about tattoos:


Many years ago tattoos were used as secret messages transmitted from person to person.


The body painting stains the inner layer of the skin and is therefore impossible to remove.


The tattooing machine makes between 50 and 3000 skin pricks for 60 seconds. The most painful parts of the tattoo body are the spine, the neck, the knees, the elbows and the feet.

Ohio has a chain of restaurants that offer 25% lifetime discounts for eating and drinking to all who have tattooed their logo.


Winston Churchill also had a tattoo. He has an anchor of his body


In the geisha, the tattoo was considered to be one of the five proofs of love, along with the writing of a love oath, trimming the top of the pussy, cutting off hair and cutting off nails.

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