3 questions you should not ask a tattooed person


  1. Do you regret tattooing?

Let's suppose for a moment that the person you ask really regrets to have done the tattoo in question. It's like a friend of yours, his wife's 40 kg. After the wedding and you ask him "Do you regret marrying her?". Do not you think whatever the answer is your question a little late?

  1. Are not you afraid you will not find a job?
    The answer is no. If a tattooed person has an employer not to take him to work because he is crawly, he will not regret it. The appearance of someone has long been a criterion for his professional qualities, so if this happens, it is rather a problem for the company and not for the job seeker.

  2. Was it hurt?

Needle pierces the skin of a person and you ask if it hurts? Are you serious?

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