lots of projects and frontends are going token based for participation — I earned TASK to discuss this Clean Token (CT) post..

In regards to this post


Did you know that Sweden has the most revolutionary recycling in the world? — it’s so good, the country had run out of rubbish and was importing it in from other countries and this was three years ago! Times move on pretty damn quickly in the recycling space.

Less than 1 per cent of Swedish household waste was sent to landfill last year or any year since 2011 — While Europe is aiming for a 65 per cent recycling target by 2030 — basically the swedes are LITERALLY crushing it.

Which got me think about ‘tokens as behaviour influence’ — not only are tokens a great way to incentivise people to do an action they also create a behaviour change in people, especially those that maybe never even considered savings or having a virtual currency portfolio of tokens.

The fact that it opens us up to so many other avenues as well is interesting — you have to consider security, understand trading, swapping tokens for other token economies where you might need tokens to engage or change out to fiat in the years to come, the virtualisation of time vs a digital asset is at it’s very early stages.

Which brings me back to the CT token, I love the fact that they see burning of their token as the FURNACE, bringing about awareness of recycling and virtually destroying the token — to get a vote from the @cleanplanet squad you have to burn the token and validate the transaction — I freaking love that, it’s really interesting crypto story telling!

Once this procedure is completed, you automatically receive the @cleanplanet upvote with the reward in $teem

Not only did I learn about the CT token, I also earned TASK tokens for taking part in this task by telling you about it — every moment you spend doing an action digitally will be tokenised, that’s obvious to me now regardless if you know it or not! :)

Your life is going to be this massive side chain wallet and it’s gonna be cool when the AI algorythms start swapping your digital portfolio between different tokens dependant on your need in the moment — give back to get back, transition between point a and point b — transition tokens. ..

Wild, rock on!

__humble x

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