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Tarot Tuesday: My Questions on Home and Personal Love Relationship

My friend out here in Big Island is a fellow tarot card reader, and while the deck he chose isn't the traditional tarot deck such as Rider-Waite deck, these "Angel" cards are quite interesting and beautiful.

First Deck Reading

This reading below, is with regards to my question of finding any kind of "love" on Big Island, as I for the longest time, don't think it is much possible to find love due to the small population size, sparsely populated area, and just how far away I am from any "person".

Interesting, that the main card "The Star" was first one pulled, followed by clarifier cards including: "The Hermit", "The Sun", and "Release" card.

I believe from the reading, that overall, it's positive message, that I shouldn't instill the "negative" energy of: "I can't find a relationship" ... rather I should reframe it better such as: "I can be in a loving relationship with someone" or "I am in a loving relationship with someone".

As well, that release card makes me think that eventually, I'll have to "come out" to my parents .. which will be a tough decision for me to do as I don't want to lose the love of my parents as being a gay man. Coming out to them I think will be my biggest struggle.

Second Deck Reading

The second reading below has been a question on my mind for awhile, in terms of where "home" is for me. I've been moving around since I graduated college back in 2010, quite often, but now, seems like Hawaii will be permanently home for me.

That being said, I first lived on Maui for around 5 years, and then moved to Big Island because it is cheaper, relatively to how expensive Maui is. Now that about 3.5 years has passed, I realized how much I miss Maui, my best friends there, as well as the lifestyle (better snorkeling, better surfing, and just overall, better place to live for my own personal interests).

I know I know, people will say, then why don't you just move back?

The biggest obstacle standing in my way is reliable, and steady monthly "income $$$". It really sucks that money has to be the obstacle, and I'm trying to figure out a way to make more money. Again, similar to the love relationship reading from above, I've been trying to reframe my mindset, by not introducing any "negative" thoughts or words, and just stating things personally to myself like:

"I am abundant and I am living on Maui"

"I know money always comes to me in many different forms"

You get the gist.

My friend pulled these following cards out, starting with the first "The Empress", followed by clarifiers including: "Page of Earth", "Knight of Air", and "Two of Air".

It's nice to see that Empress card, and usually for a question that pertains to "home", is nice to see. Though, the rest of the clarifier cards indicate that I'll have to be patient and continue to trust in the universe in putting together a plan for me to get back there. As well, I'll need to personally just make the decision myself to move back to Maui (or anywhere else), regardless if I'm ready ... which is indicated by the "Two of Air" stalemate card.

What's funny is that back in July 2012 when I made the decision to buy the one way ticket to Maui from New Jersey, I did that on a whim ... of gut feeling that I needed that move. Now, I may have to do that again, but hopefully, it won't be too far away ... then again, who knows, I could always end up somewhere much further, like New Zealand.

We shall see.

I enjoy following fellow tarot and astrology readers ... please comment below with your profile and I'd like to get to know you, read your profiles!