Tarot for a New Luciferian Era


Something I have realized about myself is that I get deeply interested in multiple projects and in my enthusiasm end up spreading myself too thin. In an effort to actually make some meaningful progress in something, I am going to try and go through my list of projects and complete them one by one. When contemplating which one to begin with I had to think about the one thing I would like to achieve if this was my last year alive. This would be the most urgent for me to manifest in the world while I still have this personal human vehicle in working order. The answer came to me quite quickly: Bring my internal Tarot into the physical plane.

To create a physical Tarot deck is an immensely daunting task. A standard deck consists of 78 cards, each with it's own unique artwork and at least a booklet (if not an entire full length book) to accompany it, with a section on each individual card. If one were to spend four days creating the artwork and write up for each card that would be quite the extraordinary task, and would only leave about two months for all the other work required such as packaging design, etc... all while working a full time job and raising two young kids.

Clearly this isn't going to work for my situation but I have a plan. The most important part of my personal Tarot is the changes I've made to the Major Arcana. It's not unheard of to release a smaller Major Arcana only deck of 22 cards, but I've also got a plan to resolve this issue as well which I will reveal closer to the end of the project. Follow along here for regular updates on my progress!

The Plan

In order to get a Major Arcana deck complete within one solar year I am going to attempt to dedicate 8 days to each card in turn. During these 8 days I will contemplate the internal card I have in my mind and translate the meaning of it into images and words. My goal for each 8 day period will be to produce a piece of artwork ready to be scanned into the computer and at least two decent paragraphs of content about that card and any additional relevant notes.

Once all the cards in the set have been gone through, the material will all be collected up, edited and compiled into a final product. I'll be sharing updates and teasers along the way, ideally every 8 days or so. I'm hoping this helps me to keep my focus, stay motivated and to give me a sense of accountability. I'm also hoping that this gets you excited as well! This is something I've been developing for literally decades. I'm eager to share it with you but I have to be careful about revealing too much early on. It certainly doesn't help the developing bird to crack open the shell before it reaches maturity.

I hope you will follow along with me on this journey! I'd love to hear your thoughts along the way. Am I crazy to attempt this? Are you curious about the changes I've made to the Major Arcana? Maybe you've already heard some things. Let me know in the comment section below!

Connect with Jeremy Crow:

My Website: JeremyCrow.com
Twitter: Twitter.com/JeremyCrow
YouTube: YouTube.com/JeremyCrow
Instagram: Instagram.com/JeremyCrow
Luciferian Research Society: LuciferianResearch.org

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