Daily Tarot - Thoth - 7/19/2017

This is a daily spread I thought of and use to determine what is something positive (easy) and negative (more difficult) to keep in mind and work on throughout my day. I'd like to share with you the results in the hopes you benefit from this too.


This reading uses the Thoth Tarot by Aleister Crowley.

Today's spread reveals the Seven of Cups (Reversed) and the Ace of Disks.

The first card represents a positive (easy) thing to focus on. The Seven of Cups (Reversed) has the word debauch printed on it. This card is showing you corruption of morals or knowledge. This can be caused be neglecting these things. Thought and contemplation are healthy and helpful.

This second card represents a negative (difficult) thing to focus on. The Ace of Disks represents the start of material goods. This is a time to nurture the resources you have and watch them grow into prosperity.

Today's reading is telling you to take more care of your morals and knowledge. These things are easy to corrupt if you're not thinking about them or are neglecting them. Clean what may have been corrupted or prevent the corruption to begin anew. You'll be able to move into a healthy period and begin gaining essential resources. This is the start of the path to prosperity.

If you've found today's reading useful then please let me know. Share your experiences and input!

If you'd like to read other readings I've done then please visit the link below to view a Google doc I've put together.

If you'd like your own reading, please email me at frostkitteh@gmail.com. Thank you!

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