Main Battle Tank Sweden "Strv-103"

At present, the Swedish army need 200-300 new fixed tanks. Discusses three ways to resolve this problem, either create a new tank, or to purchase the right amount of tanks abroad (their tanks offer almost all the major countries tankostroyaschie) or organize the production of selected foreign tanks under license using his designs some Swedish components. To implement the first option companies "Bofors" and "Hoglund" organized group, to develop a technical proposal for a tank "Stridsvagn-2000." Tank weighing 58 tonnes. 3 with a crew person, large-caliber gun (perhaps 140 mm), coupled with her 40-mm automatic cannon, anti-aircraft machine gun 7.62 mm, must have armor protection modular design ensures a high level of security. The mobility of the tank should not be worse than that of the main modern tanks by the use of a diesel engine capacity 1475 liters. s., automatic transmission hydropneumatic suspension, which allows, inter alia, to modify the angular position of the machine in longitudinal plane. To reduce the time and money to develop the design to be applied existing components:. Engine, transmission, machine guns, elements of fire control systems, protection against weapons of mass destruction, etc., again as a chassis should be created in the collection, the main armament and its automatic loading. In the late 80-ies of the Swedish company "Hoglund" and "Bofors" started the development of the tank "Stridsvagn-2000", which was planned to replace the obsolete "Centurion". There was even made scale model of the tank in life size, but in 1991 the Ministry of Defense leadership has closed the project "Stridsvagn-2000" in connection with the decision of the Swedish government to buy Main Battle Tank abroad.

Due to the unusual layout designers managed to combine solutions in the tank with limited weight high protection, firepower and good mobility. The requirement to combine in a tank design high protection and firepower with good mobility with limited weight was granted designers primarily due to the unusual layout decisions. The tank has a crazy layout scheme "Casemate" installation of the main weapons in the building. The gun is set to front hull without the possibility of pumping both vertically and horizontally. Its guidance is effected by changing the position of the body in two planes. In front of the car is the engine-transmission compartment, behind him - the separation of management, which is at the same time combat. The crew compartment to the right of the gun is the commander, left - a driver (aka Gunner), followed by face-to-rear of the vehicle - a radio operator.

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