Taking A Break ❤️

It's been 36 hours she couldn't close her eyes

Having planned everything for the year 2022, she thought there would be many great things in store for me. Then she noticed a strange thing inside her, and it was going to change everything.

The hospital is strict during this period when Viet Nam sometimes records several hundred thousand cases each day. Once a patient is hospitalized, she must take a covid test and then be placed in isolation, which means once she is admitted, she cannot leave until she is discharged.

It was expected her coming days would be anything other than boring However, she quickly adapted to the new environment and found herself feeling better than she imagined. Plus, the only view from the balcony freshes her. She could watch the things outside and the sunrise. 🙂


When she faced the doctor in the consulting room it was hard for her to put her signature to agree to take that strange thing out and examine it through a surgical cut, but she had to.

After so many days spent in the hospital, she has finally undergone the operation. The surgical cut is painful, but after a couple of days, she could stand up and walk like a toddler. She used to be scared of the scar and wasn't brave enough to look at it until days later. She told herself, oh it looks not bad and as long as it's on her body, of course, she will love it.


Unfortunately, that strange thing isn't a just cyst. She'll have to deal with it. It's not her intention to share it, however, she thought that her Hive friends deserve to know the truth behind her absence from now on. She believes once she has done with it, it's her mission to inspire other women to fight their health issues. It requires a huge effort on our part not just for ourselves but our beloved family and friends who truly care for us.

Once she could write it down and she has been cool down and get ready for the next steps. Dear readers and followers, She- I sincerely thank you for being around and supporting me in the past time. I'm going to take a break in a while before I decide to take one more operation and chemical treatment to fight this cancer. I'm sure I'll get through this and will be back once I win over it. Don't worry, I'll stay strong and optimistic ❤️

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