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Can you Take Away or Give Back Rights?

Can you take away or give back rights? You might think you can. But you would actually be wrong. I know, this flies contrary to what so many people believe in with so many people are saying.


Even in the whatever freedom movement, you hear people talk about how freedoms of been taken away, how rights of been taken away, and how we need to take them back.

But is that accurate? Sure, you can understand what they're saying, but is not completely accurate.

Think of it this way. Can someone take your life and then give it back to you? No. As soon as they take your life it's gone.

Well think of rights in the same way. If you exist, you have a life, and you have rights. Taking away your rights would be like taking your life away. You can only lose your rights, you can only have your rights taken away, when you cease to exist, when your life is ended.

In understanding this analogy, and accepting that this is how rights work, you can see how you can't lose rights, the can't be taken away, and they can be given back.

Anyone who claims that you don't have rights, or that you lost rights, or that they can take your rights, are living in a delusion.

And the only way they make their delusion more real for other people to live in the same delusion, is through the application of violence. The undo use of aggressive force to all press you and restrict your ability to exercise your freedom and your rights.

You can still exercise your rights, but they will punish you for doing so. You never lost your rights. They were still there. He says that the diluted authoritarian mindsets don't want you to have those rights, so they will employ their immoral "might makes right" ideology to attempt to coerce you into submission for how they want you to behave.

Do not live in this deluded unreality and immorality, you have to not comply with their delusion. You fight back with the just and rightful use of force to deny the aggression against you.

Of course doing so merely as a solitary individual can fail as those with greater exertion of aggressive force can harm you severely, even end your life. That's why it takes people in numbers to fight back the oppression of the diluted authoritarian mindset, together to overcome the level of power of the deluded authoritarians.