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Tracks 3 & 4 of Thru the Clouds of Smoke

The musicians who contribute to the third and fourth tracks of the upcoming compilation Thru the Clouds of Smoke are heavy hitters.

I first heard the artist winkandwoo (@winkandwoo) shortly before a release listening show on Atom Collector Records for his 2020 album Scenario Bizarre:

This fantastic album is full of lush electro-pop glory. My favorite track on it is the penultimate song Silver Lining:

It's easy to get lost in the sea of great music released by winkandwoo. I keep hearing songs of his I haven't heard before and feel like I struck gold. Such was the case when I first heard his track Assimilation a few weeks ago, which is an absolute banger:

When I first heard the track Silver Lining by winkandwoo I immediately knew that I would love for him to be a part of this compilation. Given that winkandwoo has an unbelievable number of collaborations (just browse his SoundCloud page), it only made sense to get someone else involved in a winkandwoo track for the album. Enter the artist Billy Korg (@nupulse). Billy Korg is a versatile musician and producer, and pumps out tracks ranging from reggae to dubstep to punk rock and metal. Here is one of my favorites of his dub tracks, I Believe in Aliens:

Billy Korg and winkandwoo have done plenty of work together in the past, check out this winkandwoo & Billy Korg playlist:

Having said all of the above, it became pretty clear that there should be a Billy Korg remix of a winkandwoo track on Thru the Clouds of Smoke. That is exactly what is happening on Track 3, which is winkandwoo - Silver Lining (The Billy Korg Remix):

Trenton Lundy (@tlundy47) is a musician from Ohio who has funk flavor flowing throughout his soul and being. He is a multi-instrumentalist and a producer, and here he is slapping you in the face with his funk in one of my favorite tracks of his Funky Face:

This is another artist whom I knew I wanted on the compilation from the first track I heard. But with so many outstanding songs full of great vibes, like the track Joy, it's pretty hard to choose one:

After going back and forth between several tracks, it was finally settled on that Track 4 on Thru the Clouds of Smoke would be Trenton Lundy's personal favorite track of his own, Rawness:

Just listen to the keyboard vamping on that track! After the super chill tracks preceding on the comp, this one brings the pace back up to get you settled in for the rest of the ride!

Next Post: The review of tracks 5 & 6 of Thru the Clouds of Smoke, which have yet to be revealed. These are the tracks that finish side A and begin side B so buckle up!!