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“El mundo es un rompecabezas cuyas piezas cada uno de nosotros arma de diferente manera.” - David Viscott

"The world is a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces, each of us puts together in a different way." - David Viscott

Tú, yo, y unos cuantos pasos al frente para armar un rompecabezas que lea: nosotros.

You, me, and a few steps forward to put together a puzzle that reads: us.

Tú y yo
somos pronombres
que se pronuncian

Tú y yo vamos
andando solos
por la vida
esperando a
que un nosotros
nos sonría.

Tú sola,
Yo solo,
si caminamos
un poquito,
nosotros juntos.

PRONOMBRES - ✍🏼: Paco Andújar 📃


You and I
are pronouns
both pronounced

You and I go
walking alone
through life,
waiting for
for an us
to smile at each other.

You alone,
I alone,
if we walk
a little bit,
us together.

PRONOUNS - ✍🏼: Paco Andújar 📃


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