[Esp / Eng] The rains brought a new pet for my children, a morrocoy.

Buenos tardes mis amigos de la colmena, les saluda con gusto el Drhueso.

Good afternoon my friends of the hive, Drhueso greets you with pleasure.

Las lluvias que se han dado en mi ciudad estas ultimas semanas han hecho que las quebradas y ríos crezcan su caudal, trayendo consigo animales, unos buenos y otros no tanto, como culebras, zancudos, tortugas, morrocoy y otros.

The rains that have occurred in my city these last few weeks have caused the streams and rivers to increase their flow, bringing with them animals, some good and others not so good, such as snakes, mosquitoes, turtles, morrocoy and others.


Les cuento que gracias a eso un amigo me regalo para mis hijos un morrocoy que pesa aproximadamente 3 kilos, apenas llegue a casa con la nueva mascota y la solté en el patio esta busco donde esconderse y lo hizo debajo de una chatarra de un carro que esta allí.

I tell you that thanks to that a friend gave me a morrocoy that weighs about kilos for my children, as soon as I got home with the new pet and released it in the yard, it looked for a place to hide and did it under a scrap of a car that is there.


Inmediatamente causo curiosidad en Mathhias Andrés y Juan Andrés, salieron corriendo a buscarlo, cuando por fin logramos sacarlo Matthias lo agarro y me pregunto si podía quedarse con el y cuando le dije que es nuestra nueva mascota se puso muy feliz y le dio nombre, “Papá se llamara el morrocoy coy” jajaja.

Immediately caused curiosity in Mathias Andres and Juan Andres, they ran out to look for him, when we finally got him out Matthias grabbed him and asked me if he could keep him and when I told him that he was our new pet he was very happy and gave him a name, "Dad will be called the morrocoy coy" hahaha.


Me pregunto que podría hacer con el y le explique que debe tener cuidado de no tocarle la cabeza porque lo puede morder, así mismo que debemos cuidar mucho a su hermanito porque el aun no sabe y podría meterle un dedo. Le dije que puede montarse sobre el, ya que estos animales pueden soportar su peso pero sin abusar, Matthias feliz y se sentó e intentamos que Juan lo hiciera pero comenzó a llorar y le tenia miedo, solo lo quiere de lejos.

He asked me what he could do with him and I explained to him that he should be careful not to touch his head because he could bite him, and also that we should take good care of his little brother because he doesn't know yet and he could stick a finger in him. I told him that he can ride on him, since these animals can support his weight but without abusing him, Matthias was happy and sat down and we tried to get Juan to do it but he started to cry and was afraid of him, he only wants him from far away.





Ya nuestra casa poco a poco se ha ido convirtiendo en una granja, ya tenemos un chivo, una oveja y ahora un morrocoy; Matthias a demostrado amor por los animales y el campo, lo cual me parece muy bien pero si me descuido dentro de poco nuestro patio será un zoológico jajaja. Se siente muy bien tener animales en casa ya que esto me recuerda mi niñez en el campo, donde me crie entre chivos, cabras, gallinas, ovejas y tantos animales, de allí aprendí a cuidarlos y a quererlos; me parece que es importante enseñar a nuestros hijos el amor a los animales.

Our house is slowly turning into a farm, we already have a goat, a sheep and now a morrocoy; Matthias has shown his love for animals and the countryside, which I think is great but if I don't take care of it soon our yard will be a zoo hahaha. It feels great to have animals at home because it reminds me of my childhood in the countryside, where I grew up among goats, goats, chickens, sheep and so many animals, from there I learned to take care of them and love them; I think it is important to teach our children to love animals.


Por otra parte el tener mascotas en casa nos ayuda a alejar a nuestros hijos de las pantallas (televisión, computadora, tabletas, teléfonos) y permite que disfruten de una niñez mucho mas sana; creando responsabilidad, conciencia y respeto a los seres vivos, este es un estilo de vida les permite ver que existe otra forma de divertirse.

On the other hand having pets at home helps us to keep our children away from the screens (television, computer, tablets, phones) and allows them to enjoy a much healthier childhood; creating responsibility, awareness and respect for living beings, this is a lifestyle that allows them to see that there is another way to have fun.


Gracias por leerme, espero les guste; se despide su amigo el Drhueso, hasta una nueva oportunidad.

Thank you for reading, I hope you like it; your friend Drhueso bids you farewell, until a new opportunity.


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