Taking care of your responsibilities

Everytime you commit yourself to something like someone else, make sure you can be responsible enough in taking care all the responsibilities. Well, being responsible is not just a word without actions you can commit. without the essence of an act. Actions should always be present in whatever you do.

You cannot just used someone and set aside all the responsibilities. You cannot just simply expect to get a passing grade without being a responsible student. You cannot just court someone or tell her how much you love and adore her without being responsible about all the things. And you cannot just build your own house and set aside all the important things you should do.

Why commit to something you cannot carry in the end? Why commit to something if you're unsure about it? Why commit to something if you have the guts to set aside everything for the sake of unimportant matters? Comm'on, if you're having a hard time dealing with it, then never commit yourself to something you cannot do. You're just wasting your time but more than that, you're wasting someone's time. Just be responsible.

-credits to marydyl separa


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