Why on earth would I chose Synereo over Steemit? Synereo does not even exist!


Synereo-Amp does not exist as a platform, it is an idea that has been discussed for TWO YEARS over a numerous amounts of skype conference-calls and google hangouts. I´ve been in the Synereo-Chat since when there was less then 10 people knowing about the project, and they failed to convince me that Synereo-AMP has what it takes to become successful for the end users. In my opinion they talk too much, code too little and the progress has been super slow, I mean - seriously super slow.

When the largest name on steemit suddenly start pumping synereo amp, I had to read twice

Earlier today I heard that @stellabelle had written an article about Synereo-Amp, and obviously she has bought a shitload of the coin on either bittrex or poloniex and to protect her synereo-investment, she does what every n00b does, start hyping it, and having that many followers - well, guess what that "MASS SUGGESTION" managed to do today:

The Stellabelle pump

There is nothing wrong with investing in shi... altcoins or crypto-projects, even competing technologies. However I find it rude after steemit has been a very rewarding platform for @stellabelle that she goes out and put up a big question-mark between Steemit that exist, works is liked and is being adopted by the masses VS Synereo-Amp which does not exist, does not work, has not been developed, tested or even planned to be released in a very very long time.

But in Crypto we love the drama, and this is what it is - drama. Fugazzi, Figuzzi - panic in the air.

What I see from the power-down of the steempower of @stellabelle is a classic panic-dump

If she could, she would dump all her steempower at dirt cheap prices just like the majority of bad traders does when they sell the bottom or close to the bottom and maybe buy the top later and get what we call REKT.

I mean seriously - who is selling at these prices?

Luckily for her, she can´t dump all now, it will take her two years, and in that time - we´ll be at the moon!

I personally have only powered down I think once to test the system, and yes - I do see the price of steem but so what? I did not get established here on this platform to run away when times are a bit tough - hell no. I´ll keep powering up and make great content instead of barking in all kinds of direction about how little control we have over the money that is being distributed on this platform according to how much voting-power and steem-power every participant has.

I am on Steemit to stay!

I love Steemit, and I don´t think Synereo-Amp has what it takes to make it - I am not sold on their idea, their business-plan or their marketing - at all. They are too late to the game, they are in little-league and will probably never make it anyway.

At the end here, I´ll include my very original song about trading bitcoin and altcoins as a bonus for new users and a fun reunion for my followers, Enjoy :)

Keep Calm and follow @fyrstikken

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