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Happy Saturday! Today is a Day for Relaxation! To Explore and Enjoy Life! I Love Getting to Walk Out my Front Door and Pick What I Want With My Dinner!

I hope all of my Steemit friends and followers are having an amazing weekend and are finding time to relax and enjoy life. I know alot of the amazing Steemian people on here love grinding, accomplishing goals and breaking barriers, but sometimes you just have to chill and enjoy days with the family.

To start the day I decided to walk outside and pick some appetizers that I want with my dinner. Today I was definitely craving a tasty orange little mushroom that is hidden within timber along hill sides.

I am very blessed to get to walk into my backyard for 5 minutes and grab whatever the hell I want. These mushrooms are honestly amazing if you clean em up, let them dry out for a few hours, and then cook them with olive oil and some seasoning. They are 10 times better then your average store bought mushroom and I love not having to go the store to buy them.

After picking these amazing mushrooms I am excited to make another episode of "Cooking With Sweet D," because sometimes it is just relaxing to drink a few beers and cook some food.

As for the rest of my evening it is just my daughter Nala and I hanging out, watching some college football, and singing some Disney music. We love to rock out and have an amazing time.

  • What are all my Steemit friends doing this weekend?
  • Any crazy plans?
  • What is something unusual that you can walk out and pick for dinner?

Thankyou to every Steemit friend and follower that took the time to read my blog. I really appreciate reading comments, and hearing everybodies story. Please enjoy the weekend, and have a great Saturday. Steem Out!!!