Stab in the Dark - 2017

On a quest to find the best high-performance surfboard in the world. Twelve of the world’s best shapers were asked to shape their finest 6'2" three fin, high-performance surfboard. No logos, no branding whatsoever, so the judgments would be purely on the ride and feel without any preconceptions.
        The celebrity super surfer chosen to take the challenge this year was none other than South African Jordy Smith. It was particularly interesting as one of the boards to be blind tested was shaped by his father. He used to ride his fathers boards as a kid but moved onto to bigger name brand boards when he started to compete on the world circuit.
        The fine nuances that make up the perfect board are explored in detail by the master water man Jordy, in first class surf. The Mentawi Islands were chosen by Jordy for a perfect and consistent wave to best test the awesome selection of surfboards.
This was the third year the Stab In the Dark contest has been run and the results were as interesting as always. There is a clear winner, and it is quite a surprise to Jordy!


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