Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Active Audience to Connected Community


Hello everyone!

After a few weeks of focusing on other things, I finally got some little time to get back to the book I've been reading for ages so I will try at least go into one chapter each week and share my thoughts about them.

All the previous chapters will be linked at the end of this post so if you want to refresh your memory scroll down before coming to this one!

Welcome to Part 2 of Superfans, where we will move from an active audience to a connected community!


At the active audience level, people know who you are and have chosen to follow you in some way. (...) They may pass or they may choose to engage with you, but either way, they're still making a choice - an active choice! There's less introduction needed at this phase, since they already know who you are, but there's still work required to get this segment of your audience to take action. Within the connected community, though, is where the voluntary engagement happens. (...) Simple by being a part of the community, people have an automatic connection point they can use to interact in thoughtful, useful, and memorable ways.
Page 75

This is the biggest part of the book covering 8 strategies to help the conversion, and by the titles of the chapters, it might be the most important part!

Page 77

The audience at this point may not be a superfan yet but if you keep giving them value and make them feel like they belong to a community, your community, turning them into superfans might be right around the corner!

@jongolson any now and then says that Community is King for the fact that we as a brand or a voice or a business don't grow without an audience, a community that shares common interests and supports each other.

And that's where the Engagement is Queen!

People will follow you and know you exist from the quality content you provide, but if you want to grow a community you need to engage with them, give them a chance to participate and do something. Make them feel they matter and belong to the community!

I wonder if there's a great example of a connected community...

I'm a bit biased though ;)

Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake


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